Bio identical Hormone therapy Boerne , TX - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to treat hormonal imbalances that lead to undesirable symptoms and health issues. Bioidentical hormones are chemically the same as endogenous human hormones, helping create hormonal balance and optimal health when administered properly under medical supervision.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute in Boerne, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) tailored to your unique hormonal needs and health goals. We firmly believe balancing your hormones using natural BHRT helps you feel healthy, energized and empowered as you age.

Why Hormonal Balance Matters

Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and others orchestrate nearly every cell and system in your body. When your hormonal levels decline or become imbalanced, you may experience:

Bioidentical hormone therapy can help relieve these symptoms when prescribed by a knowledgeable healthcare provider like the practitioners at Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne. We help Texans optimize their vitality, health and active lifestyles through expert hormonal balance care.

Our services

Customized Treatment Plans

We don’t take a “one size fits all” approach at Equilibrium Hormone Institute. Our practitioners spend extensive time listening to your health history and unique needs. We check your blood levels with comprehensive lab testing to gauge precisely which hormones may be out of optimal range. Then we develop fully customized treatment plans to restore balance using FDA-approved bioidentical hormones.

Follow-up appointments and testing help us adjust your dosage and delivery methods until your symptoms resolve and you feel your best. We also provide nutritional, fitness and lifestyle guidance tailored to your bioidentical hormone therapy for optimal response.

Why Choose Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne

Bioidentical Hormones We Offer

The specific bioidentical hormones we prescribe depend on your lab results, symptoms and treatment goals. However, common hormones we provide in bioidentical form include:


Testosterone therapy prescribed at Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne may include testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate or testosterone propionate for men or women with low testosterone (Low T).

As the primary male sex hormone, testosterone helps maintain:

Symptoms of Low T may include:

Testosterone therapy can successfully relieve Low T symptoms when properly administered and monitored by our experienced hormone doctors. We provide thorough testosterone testing and replace this vital hormone to optimal levels based on your age and gender using topical gels, injections or pellet implants.


The most common estrogen imbalance we treat is estrogen deficiency causing uncomfortable menopause symptoms in women such as:

Estrogen therapy typically involves a combination of estradiol and/or estrone to balance levels. Based on your needs, we may recommend oral estrogen capsules, topical estrogen gels/creams or estradiol pellets.

Balancing estrogen levels relieves menopause symptoms while also protecting bone health, heart function, breast tissue and urogenital tissue as women age. Our practitioners determine the optimal types of bioidentical estrogen and delivery methods to restore balance without overabundance.


Women produce much less progesterone after menopause, while men see gradual drops in progesterone with age. Low progesterone can result in symptoms like:

Progesterone therapy typically prescribes the bioidentical hormone progesterone capsules, gels or serums based on your needs. When combined properly with estrogen, progesterone therapy can enhance heart health, sleep quality, mental wellbeing and nutritional status during aging.


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a precursor hormone that helps produce estrogen and testosterone. Your body’s natural DHEA production peaks around age 25 then steadily declines. Low DHEA levels may lead to:

When indicated by lab testing, we may prescribe custom-dosed DHEA supplements to restore optimal levels of this vital precursor hormone. Carefully-monitored DHEA therapy helps support energy, resiliency and healthy aging.

Thyroid Hormones T3/T4

Hypothyroidism also becomes more common with age, causing bothersome symptoms like:

Synthetic thyroid hormone medications containing T4 or T3 can successfully treat low thyroid function when dosed properly. We provide complete thyroid testing then prescribe customized natural thyroid hormone therapy with regular patient follow-ups to ensure your levels stabilize at an optimal range to resolve hypothyroid symptoms.

Additional Hormones

Other reproductive and adrenal hormones can also be replaced in bioidentical form as indicated to resolve your signs and symptoms of hormonal decline. Our specialized practitioners stay current on the latest hormonal research to best meet your individual needs.

Experience hormonal balance and optimal health today.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

Experiencing multiple bothersome symptoms of hormonal imbalance does not automatically mean you require bioidentical hormone therapy. To assess accurately whether hormone optimization could help relieve your issues, initial testing is vital.

Comprehensive Lab Testing

Blood, saliva and sometimes urine testing measuring your free and total hormone levels provides objective data about your hormonal status. We then compare your results to optimal reference ranges for your age and gender to identify possible deficiencies or excesses.

Testing key hormone ratios is also essential to see the complex interplay between your body’s various hormones. For example, elevating your testosterone without balancing estrogen and progesterone for the proper ratios can cause new issues.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne, we use two major clinical laboratories to ensure prompt, accurate test results guiding precise treatment plans:

LabCorp provides reliable, mainstream lab testing services with results generally available within 48 hours. Over 2000 LabCorp locations nationwide also allow convenient testing before or after appointments in our Boerne office.

Our onsite lab, Equilibrium Hormone Institute Lab Services, offers state-of-the-art mass spectrometry methods for the most cutting-edge precision in hormone testing. Equilibrium Hormone Institute Lab Services test results are typically ready 24-48 hours after collection.

We also review relevant medical records and diagnostic reports you’ve had performed previously by other healthcare providers to inform your treatment plan.

Medical History

Your lifestyle habits, health conditions, family histories and list of current medications can all impact hormonal status and choice of therapy.

For example, if you smoke cigarettes or are obese, addressing these factors is paramount because simply prescribing hormones could increase health risks with these conditions. Certain medical conditions like hormone-sensitive cancers or cardiovascular disease can also affect which bioidentical hormones we recommend.

Providing your healthcare practitioner with accurate, thorough medical histories is crucial for bioidentical hormone therapy safety and effectiveness. We devote substantial initial visit time to listening and recording your unique needs and backgrounds.

Ongoing medical updates at follow-up appointments allow us to continually confirm your treatment plan remains optimal or make adjustments as necessary. We also collaborate closely with your other healthcare providers like primary care doctors, OB-GYNs, cardiologists or oncologists to ensure your entire care team has comprehensive information about your treatment progress.

Protocols for Beginning Bioidentical HRT

If testing and medical histories reveal bioidentical hormone therapy could benefit your health and vitality, beginning customized treatment through Equilibrium Hormone Institute involves three main steps:

Step 1: Choose Optimal Hormone Delivery Methods

The most appropriate bioidentical hormone formulations and delivery methods depend on your lifestyle, preferences and convenience:

Oral capsules like progesterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones or DHEA must be swallowed daily, bi-daily or seasonally based on the hormone type and your needs. This allows precise dosing flexibility and convenient at-home administration.

Topical gels, creams or emulsions containing testosterone, estrogen, DHEA or progesterone preparations absorb through the skin when applied daily. Gels are generally mess-free and easy to self-administer.

Injectable hormones like testosterone cypionate or estradiol valerate bypass digestion for complete hormone absorption. Our practitioners administer injections every 7-30 days based on type.

Time-release pellets implanted under your skin every 3-6 months offer convenient, steady-state hormone delivery lasting months with no daily dosing required. Pellets contain concentrated testosterone, estradiol and/or progesterone.

We educate you on the pros and cons of each method to choose your optimal delivery options. Convenience, dosing precision and lifestyle impact your options. Costs also vary - topical gels are often most affordable while pellets involve minor procedure fees.

Step 2: Begin Hormone Therapy

Once baseline blood tests are complete, medical histories gathered and delivery methods selected, we create your customized treatment plan then order your bioidentical hormone preparations through our trusted pharmacy.

At your next appointment, we:

You then begin self-administering your bioidentical hormones daily, weekly or monthly based on the formulations.

Step 3: Follow-Up Testing and Monitoring

Follow-up blood tests and office visits starting 4-8 weeks after beginning hormones are crucial to assess initial treatment response and adjust dosages until your optimal balance and symptom relief are achieved. We continually:

Once your levels stabilize well, we recommend at least annual testing and follow-ups - or biannual monitoring for patients on pellet therapy - to confirm you maintain proper balance. More frequent follow-ups are scheduled if dosages or formulations are changed.

Being an engaged, interactive Equilibrium Hormone Institute patient is vital for successful customized therapy. We devote ourselves fully to tailoring and adjusting your treatment until optimal wellbeing and vitality are restored by balancing your bioidentical hormones.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not strictly identical to the hormones naturally made in the human body. They are typically plant-derived and chemically tweaked in a lab to have a similar molecular structure, allowing them to mimic human hormones once inside the body.

Lifestyle and Wellness Recommendations

While bioidentical hormone therapy provides tremendous benefits restoring youthful hormonal balance, certain lifestyle measures also support feeling your best during treatment:


Eating a diet rich in lean proteins, fiber, healthy fats, fruits/vegetables and key micronutrients aids hormone synthesis and response. We offer customized nutritional guidance focused on your needs and treatment goals like:

Seeking counsel from an Equilibrium Hormone Institute nutritionist optimizes your hormone therapy results by supporting body composition, gut health, disease prevention and energy levels per your needs.


Staying reasonably active helps regulate hormonal balance while combating symptoms like weight gain, low energy and poor sleep quality. provides exceptional exercise options like water aerobics and strength training for older adults seeking safe, friendly gym environments.

We also suggest walking on scenic Hill Country trails like for enjoying area beauty and zen. Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 4 days weekly supports mind-body health.

Stress Management

Controlling chronic stress through outlets like yoga, meditation, massage and volunteering helps moderate cortisol levels that can disrupt optimal testosterone, estrogen and other hormones. Our Boerne patients enjoy relaxing offerings from .

Making time for hobbies, socializing and self-care regulates stress for better mental clarity on hormone therapy. We also offer referrals to Equilibrium Hormone Institute counselors to address mood issues triggered by hormonal fluctuations.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Good sleep gives your body time to repair tissue, consolidate memories and release essential hormones overnight. Yet insomnia affects over 50% of women after menopause and many older men. Using healthy sleep habits supports your treatment:

Tracking sleep patterns and discussing issues at follow-ups allows practitioners to improve sleep hygiene for better treatment response.

Don't wait, balance your hormones with Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne!

Why Seek Treatment Now?

If you’ve noticed increasing signs hormones like estrogen, testosterone and DHEA may be declining with age yet feel unsure about replacement therapy, here are two key reasons to pursue customized bioidentical hormones sooner than later:

Protect Future Health

The effects of menopause on heart disease, bone loss and cognition don’t suddenly begin the day your period stops. Gradual estrogen decline over years preceding menopause causes gradual onset of risks like heart disease and osteopenia.

Beginning customized bioidentical hormone therapy promptly when perimenopause begins can slow aging processes through sustaining sturdier bones, leaner body composition, healthier cholesterol profiles and clearer thinking. Benefits grow the earlier therapy starts.

Likewise for men, steadily waning testosterone over decades can accumulate insidiously into symptoms and risks including obesity, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, diminished resilience and mood changes. Restoring optimal testosterone, DHEA and other androgen levels stabilizes lean tissue, energy and virility for extended independence through male aging.

In both genders, restoring hormones eases the transition through midlife changes toward active later years.

Enjoy Your Life Now

Why endure months or years of discomfort from menopause symptoms or Low T when expertly-prescribed bioidentical hormones can restore comfort and vitality generally within weeks?

You deserve to feel your best - right now and into later life. Seeking therapy today provides prompt relief while also setting up healthier future decades. We empower patients to take charge of their wellbeing and lead vibrant, balanced lifestyles through bioidentical hormone optimization.

The experienced practitioners at Equilibrium Hormone Institute Boerne specialize in relieving sometimes years-long struggles with hormonal deficiency symptoms for area men and women utilizing cutting-edge testing, therapies and age management care. We incorporate comprehensive lifestyle guidance tailored to your treatment goals - not just lab orders and prescriptions.

If your lack of energy, undesired weight changes, emotional swings or lost libido are increasingly reducing your zeal for living life fully, contact Equilibrium Hormone Institute today for responsive, customized care that restores your balances, comfort and confidence. We supportpatients before, through and beyond hormone changes seamlessly.

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